You might have noticed we’re in a crazy news cycle right now, and in these times of political and civil uncertainty, staying on top of breaking news is more important than ever. If you want the most relevant stories delivered to your phone in the shortest possible time, we’ve got the apps for you.
Author: hinth
Kissmetrics Blog
Free is awesome. Especially when that “free” whatever is giving you extra traffic, money, rank, reputation, riches, etc. Thankfully, there are a ton of free tools in the SEO world. The downside is that some of these free tools are junk.
I want to give you a go-to collection of the top free SEO tools. These are intuitive, slick, effective, powerful, and — best of all — they’re absolutely free.
9 Ways to Convince Your Client That WordPress Is the Best CMS
Client education is all in a day’s work for web developers and designers; often, it’s part of the pitching process.
Some clients don’t care how we build their sites, as long as we build them well. Others, however, know just enough to be dangerous – they want the details and are skeptical of WordPress. Worse yet, some think less of developers who use WordPress.
How to Build Your Startup with No Technical Background or Budget
Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk aren’t just the co-founders of Airbnb. They’re also the co-founders and only distributers of Obama O’s cereal.
In 2008, three guys who couldn’t make rent in San Francisco were trying to fund their idea for an online apartment rental business. Inspired by the Obama-McCain election, they turned Cheerios and Captain Crunch boxes into “Obama O’s” and “Captain McCain” with cardboard and hot glue guns.
Google’s HEART framework — A Critical Evaluation
Recently, I’ve been consulting startups on building their roadmaps and executing on building out core sub-products, in particular those in the mobile AI space, or products built upon providing access to/utilising data.
UpStart & CodeUp
Live from UpStart Chennai – Marketing for Startups. Hosted by PayUmoney Merchants.
Supported by AtWorks & Startup Grind India. Speakers 1) Vijay Anand (Founder @ The Startup Centre. 2) Vaidya Nathan (Founder @ Classle Namma Kalvi. 3) Nizamudheen Valliyattu (Founder @ SocialTiger) 4) Dhivya Ashok (Business head @ Naturals Salon).
KISS (Keep it Simple, Stupid) – A Design Principle 1 WEEK AGO
It was Albert Einstein who said; “If you can’t explain it, you don’t understand it well enough.” Though it is often mis-reported as being; “If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it well enough.” What Einstein was driving at was a particular application of “keep it simple, stupid”.
Goals, Signals and Metrics | Key Business Metrics | Product Design | Udacity
There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.
This course is designed to help you materialize your game-changing idea and transform it into a product that you can build a business around.
Product Design blends theory and practice to teach you product validation, UI/UX practices, Google’s Design Sprint and the process for setting and tracking actionable metrics.
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FREE Book! DotComSecrets
Looking to increase your conversions by tweaking a headline? DON’T! Read this book instead and you’ll discover how to beat any tweak or split test you could ever hope to make yourself…
How one simple phone call to a 1-800 number in my local paper has generated me MILLIONS of dollars in cash… and led to my single greatest obsession in life..