Figma VS Sketch

Figma is like Sketch in the browser with real-time collaboration.

With the limited time I had with it, I can already say with confidence that it’s far more polished and production-ready than in my first experience with Adobe XD. It also has three invaluable features that set it apart: real-time collaboration, vector networks and version history. It can handle dozens of designers working on the same document, at the same time without breaking a sweat. Last but not least, this tool is really fast, easily handling 20+ Artboards in a single document.

The Art of Minimalism in Mobile App UI Design

Design is one of the most important drivers of user engagement. As users’ preferences shift toward a simpler interface, stripping the UI to its very basic, necessary elements is the key to success. Minimalism is a perfect marriage of form and function. It’s greatest strength is clarity of form —  clean lines, generous whitespace, and minimal graphical elements brings simplicity to even the most confounding subject matter. That is, of course, if it’s used effectively.

‘Expo infoDesign’

The course Expo Info Design is an exposure course on different aspects of presenting and organising information to make communication of information visible, efficient and effective.

The course will cover Information Theory, Ordering of Information, Methods for Structuring and Visualisation of Information, Display of Qualitative Information, Process of Sorting and Categorising Information as well as Introduction to Information Architecture.

The lectures will draw upon examples from a wide variety of application of Information Design that include: Web indexing and organising Menus, Knowledge Visualisation, Sigange and Wayfinding, Maps and Diagrams, Graphic Interfaces and Displays, Interactive Information Applications, etc.

How I introduced design thinking at my company

When someone says they’re a designer, the image of a very creative person with superior drawing skills comes to mind. In actuality, designers can take many different shapes and forms, but they all have a very similar mindset in how they craft and formulate ideas. This foundation is called design thinking.

Applying On-boarding to aviation applications

When I started working as a product designer for a high-end product development company that has been on the Aviation product development for many years I noticed that the products the company designed or developed earlier are extremely complex in their domain and has put little interest in human-centered design and the user has to complete multiple numbers of supporting tasks to complete one single task. These type of applications dose not create a positive impact towards the user. Most of the time the users might not return to the application due to lack of feedback given to the user about the task that he she has to perform and the user might not be able to see the clear path to complete a certain task.

9 best grid system for web/mobile UI

The most popular option for us. More often 12 columns with indents. Standard and simple system. Most of the interface market is built on these principles, and many of the below listed systems are created on this basis. Very quickly learn, but this grid creates an internal standardization.
Although most likely this similarity will be see only designers.

How to Start & Run a Design Business

What do you need to know to start and run a design business? Want to run your design business like a boss?

Top Ten Things To Consider When Starting / Running A Business.

Successful Business Man & Designer Chris Do imparts experience wisdom and knowledge on the most important issues entrepreneurs face when starting and running a business.